- Patrono: Anatoli Smelianski
- Idealizador: Nissim Castiel (in memorian)
- Diretor Executivo: Luciano Castiel
- Diretora Artística: Elena Vássina
- Diretora Pedagógica: Debora Hummel
- Curadora: Simone Shuba
Nair D’Agostini en
Nair D’Agostini
Director, pedagogue and theater researcher. Professor of Performing Arts at the Federal University of Santa Maria (1985-2001). Postgraduate degree in theater interpretation at the State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema of Leningrad-USSR, with the masters Guergui Tovstonógov and Arkádi Katsman (1978-1981). Master in contemporary philosophy (UFSM). PhD in Russian Literature and Culture – FFLCH-USP. Thesis: “The Method of Active Analysis of K.Stanislávski as basis for the Reading of the Text and the creation of the Show by the Director and Actor.