- Patrono: Anatoli Smelianski
- Idealizador: Nissim Castiel (in memorian)
- Diretor Executivo: Luciano Castiel
- Diretora Artística: Elena Vássina
- Diretora Pedagógica: Debora Hummel
- Curadora: Simone Shuba
Michele Almeida Zaltron en
Michele Almeida Zaltron
Professor and researcher of acting and theater direction. PhD in Performing Arts by PPGAC-UNIRIO (2016), with a sandwich scholarship granted by CAPES (2014-2015) at the Moscow Art Theater School (Studio-School of Moscow Art Theater). Master in Art Science, PPGCA-UFF (2011). Graduated in Performing Arts in the options Direction (2002) and Theater Interpretation by UFSM (2003).